I recently attended a conference where one of the speakers, a very successful executive at one of the most valuable startups in the world, shared her story and it really moved me deeply. We can easily mistaken her outgoing, bold, full of life attitude and great sense of humor for a very wonderful life that she has.
I was shocked to learn that her husband passed away when her daughter was only 4. He got diagnosed with cancer and within just 5 months, he left them. While death is really bad, it's much worse to see your loved one couldn't do the things that he had been able to do the previous day. All the things that we are taking for granted that we can do everyday.
She & her husband did make the best out of these 5 months by having a list of all the things they want to do together, topics that they have never got opportunity to talk about. All compacted in these 5 months.
And her husband passed away. His death makes her realize that she should never ever take anything for granted and instead she's determined to make every day the best day in her life. She taught her daughter to do the same even when she's just 8.
She has a funny & so appropriate metaphor that if we have expensive shoes, wear them, make them work for the price we pay. Don't save them because we don't know if we will get to wear them tomorrow.
But what if clothes are not the things that make your day? Then find something that does make everyday your best day and don't stop until you have the answer.
Love our life harder than ever, give it the best shot because what can be possibly more valuable than our breath, our heart beat, our ability to walk, to talk & to love?